There are whole lot of words to describe what’s going on in the marketing world at present, and it can be easy to lose sight of what’s going to work for your company. One of the most important distinctions to make is between ‘marketing’ and ‘advertising’. Here at Think, we can help you with both but it’s good to know the difference.

To start unfurling the web that is marketing terminology, let’s take a look at the overarching term of marketing itself. Marketing is used by brands to achieve a range of business goals, whether that be brand awareness, revenue growth or customer loyalty. These objectives, and many more like them, are where your marketing strategy comes in! (Hint: we develop those too). Your strategy will then lead the way to the tools you can use to achieve your goals.

Advertising can be traditional: think billboards, radio, television, etc. Digital advertising also falls under the same umbrella and includes mediums like Facebook Ads and Google Adwords. It can work alongside other disciplines such as Public Relations.

Communications is an element which runs across your entire marketing strategy and set of tools. It refers to, unsurprisingly, how you communicate with your desired audience. Communications can look like writing your social media posts, developing your brand voice or engaging your internal and external stakeholders. You can think of communications as your constant partner in executing your marketing strategy.

Not sure where to start? Contact us today at to discuss your options.