Just like that, 2020 is just around the corner! In the same way you might set personal resolutions, we’re setting some marketing resolutions for the ultimate start to the brand new year.

1. I will have a strategy

We genuinely can’t stress enough how vital it is to have a well-structured and up-to-date strategy. We’ve written some tips on this topic before and we think it’s the number one thing you can do to drive success in 2020.

2. I will use my (and my team’s) time wisely

There’s never enough time in the day, am I right? You’ve got calls to take, meetings to conduct, content to write, social media posts to schedule and probably a whole lot more too. Not to mention, things that pop up unexpectedly – client emergency, the flu, Facebook algorithm changes. It’s more important than ever to really assess your time and look for ways to optimise it. Our top three suggestions are: don’t waste time in unnecessary meetings (but of course, be available when needed), explore automation tools and always be assessing your staffing needs.

3. I will ask for help when I need it

As a business owner, your time is valuable and probably stretched to the limits. Don’t underestimate the value of asking for help! Delegate when you need or hire an external consultant. You’ll be surprised how much you can do with a clearer head and some more breathing space.

4. I will invest in my company’s marketing

 This is one where we’ll definitely be taking our own advice. We’re guilty of this – we’re so tied up in getting everything right for our clients that sometimes our own marketing starts to feel a bit neglected. Don’t let it fall by the wayside – your marketing is your shopfront, and it deserves your time and attention.

5. I will set fresh KPIs

 When you’re setting new KPIs, consider the following:

  • What worked last year?
  • What didn’t?
  • What KPIs did I achieve – should I set higher targets?
  • What didn’t I achieve and why?
  • Are these KPIs still important and relevant to my business goals?

Setting resolutions and goals for your business as we come into the new year creates a space for clear thinking about what you want to and can achieve in 2020. Feel free to take these and make them your own or share your resolutions.

If you need support in 2020 or beyond, we’d love to hear from you. Give us a call on 0435 913 863 for an obligation-free chat about your needs or email us at info@thinkcommunications.com.au.